Today I decided to have my own blog. Mainly because I'm on my own and have nothing better to do!
Above you can see me doing some recording. This is just a typical day in my life. A lot of what I do revolves around music.
Writing music, singing music, playing music, whistling, recording music, thinking about music, forgetting about music, remembering music again, doing some music.
You get the picture!
I am just listening to the latest version of the Flat 29 podcast on 'Time' whilst researching the best way to lay garden stepping stones. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some bloody manly manual labour. Well gardening, but quite hardcore gardening. This is the sort of thing I do now as well as staying inside composing comedy songs and frying my brain on the Internets.
Since moving in to a newly built house last December our garden has resembled a barren wasteland. BUT, last week I paid two elderly gentlemen to build a patio, lay some turf and assemble a 'Man-Shed'. I did feel quite bad watching two older men labouring in the intensive heat whilst I ate ice-cream and watched 'Kick Ass' on Sky Movies(Which I throughly enjoyed by the way). Ultimately it left me feeling slightly emasculated. My immediate reaction was to stay in my comfort zone and browse the Internet in a very stuffy room (working on my 'Studio-Tan'). However one week later I found myself browsing every DIY/Gardening outlet you can think of. Me and my Fiancee Han were on the hunt for what can only be described as garden stuff. I ended up buying some sand, gravel and log roll which made me feel more manly, although lifting these items was an issue!
Back in the garden Han has made some great flower beds and I distributed some gravel. I also got to put stuff in my shed which is strangely appealing. Te garden is starting to look really good and I do feel a bit like I'm getting back in touch with nature ("I'm sorry I stopped calling"). Well all the nature that you can find in my back garden which isn't a lot!
I am enjoying these new situations I find myself in as "man" of the house. I also enjoy being either average or incompetent at these tasks. After I've finished laying some stepping stones to the shed tomorrow I'm planning a BBQ where I can light some fires, play some beats and cook some meats.
I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine in their gardens at the moment.
Love Rich x